Purchasing a new home is one of the most significant financial endeavors that most people will take on during their lifetime. Further, there are many things that a purchaser must consider before purchasing a house. We recommend speaking with an attorney if you plan on:
Conducting an inspection of the physical condition of the property.
Negotiating the terms of the contract of the sale.
Receiving financing from a lender (if applicable).
Ensuring that the home has all proper certificate of occupancies, permits, and is in conformity with the local zoning laws.
Closing on the property and gaining the title.
These processes can become extremely complicated and time-consuming leaving much of room for error which could wind up costing you thousands of dollars. Hiring an attorney will give you peace of mind as he or she can help guide you. Further, when you hire a law firm to handle your closing, they will bear the responsibility if any mistakes occur during the closing process, thereby offering insurance and assurance that the job is completed with the utmost diligence.
The Siegel Law Firm, P.C. has helped its clients purchase and sell property for over twenty-five years. If you are considering buying or selling a home, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (844) 522 – 4LAW or email info.bsiegelaw@gmail.com for a free consultation.
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